Configuring Fail2ban with Nginx Proxy Manager (NPM) (2024)

Nginx Proxy Manager (NPM) gained popularity as reverse proxy amongst selfhosters and homelabbers due to its simplicity for managing SSL certificates and proxy hosts via a web interface.

It also supports a simplistic feature for proxy hosts called block common exploits that will block query parameters containing well-known payloads for exploiting vulnerabilities such as SQL injections (SQLi), Cross-Site Scripting (XSS), Remote and Local File Inclusion (RFI/LFI) as well as other hacking techniques.

Combined with the advanced Web Application Firewall (WAF) and Denial-of-Service (DoS) protection by Cloudflare, many attack vectors can be blocked straight away. Nonetheless, we can improve such a setup even more by implementing Fail2ban as additional Intrusion Detection (IDS) and Prevention System (IPS). Since all proxy host log files of NPM are structured in a normalized format, Fail2ban can easily be used to monitor those logs for malicious activities such as forceful browsing or brute-forcing.

This also works when not using Cloudflare at all. So keep reading.


For this blog post, we will focus on implementing Fail2ban in conjunction with NPM as reverse proxy behind Cloudflare. I will not go into detail on how to run NPM, configure port forwardings on your router or define the necessary DNS entries on Cloudflare to get you started. I assume that these things are already running and working for you.

This blog post will only focus on installing and configuring a dockerized Failban container to work with your NPM reverse proxy logs. Additionally, we will configure optional Telegram notifications on actual IP bans and unbans.

If you are not using Cloudflare, don't worry. You can follow this blog post and neglect the relevant things for Cloudflare just fine. Your main focus will then be on banning threat actors using iptables only. Note that many modern Linux distributions nowadays are shipped with nftables instead of iptables. As we rely on iptables and specifically on the string matching extension, not supported by nftables, you'll have to ensure that iptables is installed on your server and that your kernel supports the string matching feature.


If you are using Cloudflare, ensure that you enabled the orange cloud symbol in Cloudflare for your DNS entries. This ensures that HTTP requests are routed via the Cloudflare network, which provides WAF and DoS protection. Furthermore, it hides your real WAN IP address at home.


If you are using Cloudflare proxy, ensure that your setup only accepts requests coming from the Cloudflare CDN network by whitelisting Cloudflare's IPv4 and IPv6 addresses on your server for TCP/80 (HTTP) and TCP/443 (HTTPS). Otherwise, attackers may enumerate your real WAN IP address and bypass Cloudflare by directly communicating with your NPM instance. Cloudflare's IP ranges can be found here.


Also ensure that your NPM instance specifies the following configuration at the advanced tab of proxy hosts when using Cloudflare as proxy: real_ip_header CF-Connecting-IP;

This ensures that the logs of NPM contain the correct IP address of your site visitors. Cloudflare specifies the real visitor's IP address in a custom HTTP header called CF-Connecting-IP.

Fun fact: NPM propagates the file /etc/nginx/conf.d/include/ip_ranges.conf automatically during run with IP addresses of popular CDN networks such as Cloudflare. This happens intransparently but ensures that only trustworthy IPs can set the X-Real-IP header that is processed by NPM to get the real IP address of site visitors.

Detection Capabilities

Our goal will be to identify and block threat actors that actively conduct forceful browsing and brute-forcing attacks on our web services. Forceful browsing is the act of enumerating a web service for sensitive files, interesting directories and potentially vulnerable endpoints in an automated manner. Moreover, some threat actors may also try brute-forcing login areas or Basic Authentication prompts.

Since all these potential hacking attempts will generate log entries with 401, 403, 404 HTTP errors in a very short time period, we can easily identify such attacks and ban the threat actor's IP address via Fail2ban locally and globally on Cloudflare. Fail2ban will monitor all proxy host logs of our Nginx Proxy Manager reverse proxy. Therefore, once a misbehaving threat actor is detected and banned by Fail2ban, the attacker won't be able to access any of our other web services subsequently. This applies to all configured proxy hosts in NPM. Basically a universal ban as soon as one hacking attempt is detected on one of our HTTP web services.

Running Fail2ban with Docker Compose

Fail2ban can be run and installed on bare metal, but there also exists a containerized version. For this blog post, we will focus on using a Docker container provided by crazymax.

You can use the following docker-compose file to spawn a dockerized Fail2ban container. Please adjust your volume mappings and environment variables if needed.

Ensure that you properly bind mount the logs at /data/logs of your NPM reverse proxy into the Fail2ban docker container at /var/log/npm. Otherwise, Fail2ban is not able to inspect your NPM logs!

version: "3"services: fail2ban: container_name: fail2ban hostname: fail2ban cap_add: - NET_ADMIN - NET_RAW environment: - TZ=Europe/Berlin - F2B_DB_PURGE_AGE=14d image: crazymax/fail2ban:latest network_mode: host restart: unless-stopped volumes: - <PATH-ON-YOUR-SERVER-FOR-PERSISTED-F2B-DATA>:/data - <PATH-ON-YOUR-SERVER-FOR-PERSISTED-NPM-DATA>/data/logs:/var/log/npm

Afterwards, start the Docker container with the following command:

sudo docker compose up -d

Configuring Fail2ban

Upon starting our Fail2ban Docker container, we will notice four new folders at the persisted data storage we defined in the above docker-compose.yml file:

  • action.d
  • db
  • filter.d
  • jail.d

These folders are necessary and used to define our actual Fail2ban configuration in order to detect malicious behavior in log files as well as ban the IP address of misbehaving threat actors. Note that the db folder can be ignored for now since it only holds the sqlite3 database for Fail2ban.

Put the following configuration file called jail.local inside the jail.d directory. This is our main configuration file for Fail2ban. It defines various settings for our jails such as which log files to monitor and when as well as how long a threat actor should be banned. Adjust to your needs and liking. Consult the Fail2ban documentation for more details regarding configuration options and syntax.

If you do not plan on using Cloudflare as proxy, please remove the action-ban-cloudflare reference from the action = directive. Also remove whitelisting of Cloudflare IP addresses at ignoreip.

[DEFAULT]# "bantime.increment" allows to use database for searching of previously banned ip's to increase a# default ban time using special formula, default it is banTime * 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32...bantime.increment = true# "bantime.rndtime" is the max number of seconds using for mixing with random time# to prevent "clever" botnets calculate exact time IP can be unbanned again:bantime.rndtime = 2048# following example can be used for small initial ban time (bantime=60) - it grows more aggressive at begin,# for bantime=60 the multipliers are minutes and equal: 1 min, 5 min, 30 min, 1 hour, 5 hour, 12 hour, 1 day, 2 daybantime.multipliers = 1 5 30 60 300 720 1440 2880[npm-general-forceful-browsing]# bots that trigger too many 403 or 404# logs are comming from reverse proxy "nginx proxy manager"enabled = trueignoreip = 2400:cb00::/32 2606:4700::/32 2803:f800::/32 2405:b500::/32 2405:8100::/32 2a06:98c0::/29 2c0f:f248::/32 = action-ban-docker-forceful-browsing action-ban-cloudflarefilter = npm-general-forceful-browsingchain = DOCKER-USERlogpath = /var/log/npm/proxy-host-*_access.logmaxretry = 15findtime = 60bantime = 600

Note that we actively whitelist Cloudflare IPv4 and IPv6 addresses as well as internal IP addresses with the ignoreip parameter. This ensures that we are not banning ourselves or our CDN provider by accident.

Remove the Cloudflare IP addresses if you do not plan on using Cloudflare as proxy. If Cloudflare is not in use, only define ignoreip =


Note that we are using an incremental ban method. Threat actors are therefore banned for 10 minutes when first seen misbehaving. For any additionally detected hacking attempts from the same IP address afterwards, the ban time will increase exponentially.

Put the following configuration file called npm-general-forceful-browsing.conf inside the filter.d directory. This configuration file is used to define which NPM log entries are relevant for Fail2ban to monitor and act on:

[INCLUDES][Definition]failregex = ^.* (405|404|403|401|\-) (405|404|403|401) - .* \[Client <HOST>\] \[Length .*\] .* \[Sent-to <F-CONTAINER>.*</F-CONTAINER>\] <F-USERAGENT>".*"</F-USERAGENT> .*$ignoreregex = ^.* (404|\-) (404) - .*".*(\.png|\.txt|\.jpg|\.ico|\.js|\.css|\.ttf|\.woff|\.woff2)(/)*?" \[Client <HOST>\] \[Length .*\] ".*" .*$


The failregex parameter specifies a typical log entry format of failed HTTP requests. If such entries occur multiple times, it is usually an indicator of an ongoing forceful browsing or brute-forcing attack.

The ignoreregex parameter is used to ignore specific log entries, e.g. static or media files that cannot be found (404) on the server.

By using fail2ban's failregex notiation <F-*>...</F-*> we can even introduce custom variables. This allows us to retrieve e.g. the container name the HTTP request was sent to or to obtain the threat actor's user agent string. These variables may later be used when sending Telegram notifications or email alerts.

Finally, put the following two configuration files inside the action.d directory.

The first configuration file is used to ban threat actors on Cloudflare itself using the Cloudflare API. This is recommended if you are using Cloudflare as CDN provider with the orange cloud symbol enabled. If not, just neglect this action.d script at all and remove the action-ban-cloudflare action reference in the jail.local configuration file above.

If you will use Cloudflare as proxy, please adjust the below configuration file and define your Cloudflare credentials at the variables cftoken and cfuser. Use your account's email address and your Global API Key available at

## Author: Mike Rushton## IMPORTANT## Please set jail.local's permission to 640 because it contains your CF API key.## This action depends on curl (and optionally jq).# Referenced from by NORM YEE## To get your CloudFlare API Key: CloudFlare API error codes:[Definition]# Option: actionstart# Notes.: command executed on demand at the first ban (or at the start of Fail2Ban if actionstart_on_demand is set to false).# Values: CMD##actionstart = bash /data/action.d/ -a start# Option: actionstop# Notes.: command executed at the stop of jail (or at the end of Fail2Ban)# Values: CMD##actionstop = bash /data/action.d/ -a stop# Option: actioncheck# Notes.: command executed once before each actionban command# Values: CMD#actioncheck =# Option: actionban# Notes.: command executed when banning an IP. Take care that the# command is executed with Fail2Ban user rights.# Tags: <ip> IP address# <failures> number of failures# <time> unix timestamp of the ban time# Values: CMD## API v1#actionban = curl -s -o /dev/null -d 'a=ban' -d 'tkn=<cftoken>' -d 'email=<cfuser>' -d 'key=<ip>'# API v4actionban = curl -s -o /dev/null -X POST <_cf_api_prms> \ -d '{"mode":"block","configuration":{"target":"<cftarget>","value":"<ip>"},"notes":"Fail2Ban <name>"}' \ <_cf_api_url> #bash /data/action.d/ -b <ip> -r "above reasons on Cloudflare - <name>"# Option: actionunban# Notes.: command executed when unbanning an IP. Take care that the# command is executed with Fail2Ban user rights.# Tags: <ip> IP address# <failures> number of failures# <time> unix timestamp of the ban time# Values: CMD## API v4actionunban = id=$(curl -s -X GET <_cf_api_prms> \ "<_cf_api_url>?mode=block&configuration_target=<cftarget>&configuration_value=<ip>&page=1&per_page=1&notes=Fail2Ban%%20<name>" \ | { jq -r '.result[0].id' 2>/dev/null || tr -d '\n' | sed -nE 's/^.*"result"\s*:\s*\[\s*\{\s*"id"\s*:\s*"([^"]+)".*$/\1/p'; }) if [ -z "$id" ]; then echo "<name>: id for <ip> cannot be found"; exit 0; fi; curl -s -o /dev/null -X DELETE <_cf_api_prms> "<_cf_api_url>/$id" #bash /data/action.d/ -u <ip> -r "above reasons on Cloudflare - <name>"_cf_api_url = = -H 'X-Auth-Email: <cfuser>' -H 'X-Auth-Key: <cftoken>' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'[Init]cftoken = <CF-API-TOKEN>cfuser = <CF-USER-EMAIL>cftarget = ip[Init?family=inet6]cftarget = ip6 

Additionally, use the following configuration file to ban the threat actor's IP address via iptables on your server directly. This is optional when using Cloudflare as proxy with the orange cloud symbol enabled, but mandatory if you are not using Cloudflare at all.


Since we are utilizing the itables string matching extension in action-ban-docker-forceful-browsing.conf, you have to ensure that iptables version >= 1.3.5 is installed on your system as well as that your kernel supports string matching. May read here.

Note: Newer OS versions seem to use nftables only. Since nftables do not support string matching, your IP bans via fail2ban are not effective. Install and configure legacy iptables if you want to use this feature. Otherwise, you have to use Cloudflare and its API for banning.

You can list kernel modules with the command ls /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/net/netfilter/ and search for the required xt_string.ko kernel module. If you do not get a hit, your kernel seems not yet to support iptables' string matching extension.

Note that we have to use the DOCKER-USER chain, since we are using Docker containers only. In detail, we will utilize the iptable's netfilter extension to ban the real IP address of a threat actor in the X-Forwarded-For header. Iptables can only see the source IP address of packets, namely the IP of your proxy, but not the real visitor's IP address commonly defined in HTTP headers like X-Real-IP or X-Forwarded-For etc. So use both, theDOCKER-USERandINPUTchain to be safe.

Blacklist IPs with iptables behind a Reverse ProxyI have a Ubuntu Server 16 and I use iptables as firewall. HTTP and HTTPS traffic is behind a Reverse Proxy that I cannot control, but I have X-Forwarded-For field activated. Is it possible to filt...Server Faultjlandercy
[Definition]actionban = iptables -I DOCKER-USER -m string --algo bm --string 'X-Forwarded-For: <ip>' -j DROP iptables -A INPUT -s <ip> -j DROPactionunban = iptables -D DOCKER-USER -m string --algo bm --string 'X-Forwarded-For: <ip>' -j DROP iptables -D INPUT -s <ip> -j DROP

If all configuration files are set up, please restart the Fail2ban Docker container to reflect all changes. For example via the following bash command:

sudo docker compose up --force-recreate

Configuring Telegram Notifications

Note that you can specify multiple actionban and actionunban actions. Currently, we only ban a misbehaving IP address of a threat actor via iptables and optionally via the Cloudflare API. However, we can also implement additional Telegram notifications when actual IP bans or unbans occur.

For this, append an additional line of code at the actionban and actionunban definitions, which calls a shell script that sends Telegram notifications. As an example, a proper configuration should then look like this:

[Definition]actionstart = bash /data/action.d/ -a startactionstop = bash /data/action.d/ -a stopactionban = iptables -I DOCKER-USER -m string --algo bm --string 'X-Forwarded-For: <ip>' -j DROP iptables -A INPUT -s <ip> -j DROPbash /data/action.d/ -b <ip> -r "forceful browsing on <F-CONTAINER> (<name>)" actionunban = iptables -D DOCKER-USER -m string --algo bm --string 'X-Forwarded-For: <ip>' -j DROP iptables -D INPUT -s <ip> -j DROP bash /data/action.d/ -u <ip>

The corresponding bash script to send notifications via your Telegram bot can be obtained via the following file download. Place the script within the action.d directory and define your Telegram API token and chat ID inside the script.

Telegram Notification ScriptShell script to send notifications to a Telegram Bottelegram_notif.sh2 KBdownload-circle

Testing our Setup

Finally, we should test our Fail2ban setup for proper configuration and that it really works. Head over to your mobile phone, disconnect from your local Wi-Fi network and start using a mobile LTE connection. This ensures that your soon to be made requests are not originating from a whitelisted IP address within the ignoreip parameter of the jail.local Fail2ban configuration file. Furthermore, we want to ensure that you do not lock yourself out with your real WAN IP address.

Then proceed by accessing a publicly exposed service via your mobile web browser. Start manipulating the browser URL and request a non-existent directory or file to trigger a 404 Not Found HTTP error. Proceed with these requests (at least 15 times within 1 minute since this is the current threshold defined in Fail2ban) until you notice a ban of your IP address.

You should not be able to access any web service proxied by NPM anymore. Your browser should also display an error page by Cloudflare (if Cloudflare as proxy is in use) notifying you that your IP address was blocked. This applies to all proxy hosts of your NPM instance. You won't be able to access any HTTP web service for 10 minutes, until you will be automatically unbanned by Fail2ban again.

Configuring Fail2ban with Nginx Proxy Manager (NPM) (3)
Configuring Fail2ban with Nginx Proxy Manager (NPM) (4)

You may also consult the Fail2ban Docker logs for more details. You should see log entries notifying you about an IP address (your LTE IP) behaving maliciously. You may also login at Cloudflare if used and inspect the WAF or firewall rules to confirm an actual IP ban on the Cloudflare network for your managed domain.

Configuring Fail2ban with Nginx Proxy Manager (NPM) (5)

To unban yourself, either wait 10 minutes or use the following bash command inside the Fail2ban docker container:

fail2ban-client set npm-general-forceful-browsing unbanip <YOUR-IP>

To test your Fail2ban filters, you can execute the following commands inside the Fail2ban Docker container:

# display matched log entries against /filter.d/npm-general-forceful-browsing.conffail2ban-regex /var/log/npm/proxy-host-1_access.log /etc/fail2ban/filter.d/npm-general-forceful-browsing.conf --print-all-matched# display missed log entries against /filter.d/npm-general-forceful-browsing.conffail2ban-regex /var/log/npm/proxy-host-1_access.log /etc/fail2ban/filter.d/npm-general-forceful-browsing.conf --print-all-missed# display ignored log entries against /filter.d/npm-general-forceful-browsing.conffail2ban-regex /var/log/npm/proxy-host-1_access.log /etc/fail2ban/filter.d/npm-general-forceful-browsing.conf --print-all-ignored


You may find further fail2ban filters and actions here on GitHub.

Configuring Fail2ban with Nginx Proxy Manager (NPM) (2024)


Configuring Fail2ban with Nginx Proxy Manager (NPM)? ›

Fail2ban can significantly mitigate brute force attacks by creating rules that automatically alter your firewall configuration to ban specific IPs after a certain number of unsuccessful login attempts.

Does fail2ban work with nginx? ›

Fail2ban can significantly mitigate brute force attacks by creating rules that automatically alter your firewall configuration to ban specific IPs after a certain number of unsuccessful login attempts.

How do I enable Hsts in nginx proxy manager? ›

Go to NGINX Proxy Manager, click Edit and go to the tab SSL. Enable and/or re-enable Force SSL, HSTS Enabled and HSTS Subdomains.

How to add proxy host to nginx proxy manager? ›

Go to the “Proxy Hosts” tab and click “Add Proxy Host.” Enter the domain name, choose HTTP or HTTPS, and provide the internal IP address and port of the service you're proxying to. You can also change parameters like locations, assign SSL, and change custom Nginx configuration from here.

What is the default admin for nginx proxy manager? ›

When the NGINX Proxy Manager first starts, log in with the following username and password: Default Proxy Manager username: Default Proxy Manager password: changeme.

How can Fail2Ban be configured? ›

Configuring fail2ban
  1. Log in to your server using SSH.
  2. At the command prompt, type the following command: ...
  3. Open the jail. ...
  4. Locate the [DEFAULT] section, which contains the following global options: ...
  5. Save your changes to the jail. ...
  6. To restart the fail2ban service and load the new configuration, type the following command:

Is NGINX obsolete? ›

It is open source to the moment (version) of the deal. After that all new versions can be closed source. Old version will be available as open source but 5-10 years later it will be obsolete. Now there is free open source version of Nginx and another version Nginx Plus with additional features which is not open source.

How to set HSTS header in NGINX? ›

The header must be set per website, the configuration file is usually found in /etc/nginx/sites-available/. server { listen 443 ssl default deferred; ... # config to enable HSTS(HTTP Strict Transport Security) add_header Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=63072000; includeSubdomains;"; ... }

How to configure NGINX for proxy? ›

How to Set Up NGINX as a Reverse Proxy
  1. Install NGINX. Ensure NGINX is installed on the server. ...
  2. Start NGINX and Configure to Launch on Reboot. ...
  3. Unlink Default Configuration File. ...
  4. Create New Configuration File. ...
  5. Link and Activate New Configuration File. ...
  6. Test and Restart Nginx. ...
  7. Test Reverse Proxy.
Mar 14, 2024

How to check if HSTS is enabled? ›

There is a plenty of online tools that allow to check server configuration in terms of security – from a basic SSL certificate installation check to a deep verification of all aspects related to secure transport implementation. One of the tools, which provide a wide set of parameters to check, is Qualys SSL Labs.

How to set the proxy in npm? ›

Go to command prompt or terminal depending on your machine(tip: hit Win + R and type cmd). In the command prompt type the following command npm config set proxy http://<username><password>@proxy-server-url>:<port> then config set https-proxy http://<username><password>@proxy-server-url>:<port> .

What is the best practice of NGINX proxy manager? ›

As a best practice it is recommended to run nginx proxy manager as an external network (see link ), to which the other containers connect to and you enter the container name as host in nginx proxy user interface .

Do you need NGINX for NGINX proxy manager? ›

This project comes as a pre-built docker image that enables you to easily forward to your websites running at home or otherwise, including free SSL, without having to know too much about Nginx or Letsencrypt.

What is the alternative to NGINX proxy manager? ›

JavaScript, Git, GitHub, Python, and jQuery are the most popular alternatives and competitors to Nginx Proxy Manager.

What is the admin port for NGINX proxy manager? ›

Accessing the Nginx Proxy Manager Interface

Open a web browser and navigate to port 81 on the public IP address of the system that the proxy manager is running on. For example, if you are running the Nginx Proxy Manager on a machine with a public IP address of 192.0. 2.0 , you would navigate to 192.0. 2.0:81 .

How to configure NGINX to accept the proxy protocol? ›

To configure NGINX to accept PROXY protocol headers, add the proxy_protocol parameter to the listen directive in a server block in the http {} or stream {} block. http { #... server { listen 80 proxy_protocol; listen 443 ssl proxy_protocol; #... } }

How to protect NGINX with Fail2Ban? ›

How To Protect an Nginx Server with Fail2Ban on Ubuntu 22.04
  1. Step 1: Deploying a Cloud Instance on Shape. ...
  2. Step 2: Connecting to Your Instance. ...
  3. Step 3: Install Fail2Ban. ...
  4. Step 4: Configure Fail2Ban. ...
  5. Step 5: Configure Fail2Ban for Nginx. ...
  6. Step 6: Create Filter Configurations. ...
  7. Step 7: Restart Fail2Ban. ...
  8. Step 8: Monitor Fail2Ban.

How to test Fail2Ban NGINX? ›

Basic Installation and Configuration
  1. Step 1: Installing UFW. Install UFW: To install UFW, run: ...
  2. Step 2: Installing Fail2ban. Install Fail2ban: Execute the following commands to install Fail2ban on your Ubuntu server: ...
  3. Step 3: Understanding How Fail2ban Works. ...
  4. Step 4: Configuring Fail2ban's Basic Rules.
Dec 23, 2023

What is the best platform for NGINX? ›

Virtual private server (VPS) NGINX hosting providers permit you to use the capabilities of NGINX to the fullest. With an NGINX VPS hosting plan, you can optimize your NGINX configuration, use the web server as a reverse proxy, implement load balancing, and use NGINX as a caching server.

Does NGINX support TLS? ›

The directives ssl_protocols and ssl_ciphers can be used to limit connections to include only the strong versions and ciphers of SSL/TLS. By default nginx uses “ ssl_protocols TLSv1 TLSv1. 1 TLSv1. 2 TLSv1.


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Author: Carlyn Walter

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Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

Address: Suite 452 40815 Denyse Extensions, Sengermouth, OR 42374

Phone: +8501809515404

Job: Manufacturing Technician

Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.