Provincial Freeman (Toronto and Chatham, ON: Mary Ann Shadd Cary (October 9, 1823 – June 5, 1893)), April 25, 1857, p. 3 (2024)

m firv flie bis of ilu is s i a jl tut the prisoiie w t captain of tsatkrden xjtvecsdwasa black man tv vesse sailejllrjiufclsewcastle to senegal llarjuapavarae islauttito ritf olade aad llwu5aald i to egllind ahile they weretiajlet5matiisaiuks con tfcaesr erueltj ueant relieve nim from hususesortiied ofjuly he was bcaiimyifafn twraate witli ropes with brooinjigudh and with a cot aad when lrs c wtt wsb scrub bed with a bi usl the poor fellow used to erywr3rcaiw csrwulrtdh mirth to ivitr lj i h rfp ilii but ithe crew rdirrat grarrdvtij crew infoiyned the consul irtiere olflt featnlent the cook fed received and hi hitorj btulnrdlite tliiojpvlbematt3r itbesliip arnved at vpjyinoiojiio december and then an inquiry waiutdvyluch endeii jii- the captain ibeing sentto pnsou vortritil the jury re- urtvashtiirrjicof guilty of manslaugltler and be wrj usoteqeed to be transported for ife -li- vvtott tatnrloprer rti1rco1ftt1twknutl3v which inview of tilrlriguesoftuuamirj that all persons born mi t ivwotroiirtftil67 otfcnreijgw enlhattliebivi aijbe qtouotipfketttiff hetr at the foirowlilg- rti n irr mezico nro corn hihes vl ii era i i s wy itbirio dlhcrciuisrrieaare free the niorhehl tlieir i do db8kturaty7th3ega feeflabob ffik apiltfmltdritud tnltlb upjo- do do saturday 7th lection of ihe jawsj jt also declats ihat no trcary or tlie exlriidlliuu orcriminals hilize1ii tmiitiafe cultrv wiiero the crirnet wi ijornmilbid were he luvrew do do t du saturday 4ih april sathrtay- may 1 west indies theweatnerwis favourable am ihe crops tflftmfa*gi prospect of a consider- ablenerme an the crop of last year en- rtbusjastmiaeetiags for the suppression of the rslave trada in cuba hid been held all over fiieistindiiid the utmost determination rx- iyirjobitiies4jecl dilterent articles tin oaeoqlie jjobujjji uioruiug journals sup- iposed lib epkssllie sculiiuenta of ihe pre mier oi this subject had given general salts- fhhlealtliijftli irjand was good aid ihe eanolirii spirits from their im- jp rovedmiifwiits vl tbjnu1ad jteajiiiigjapeiui rut her iinpe- jed liy yjweatluuv tjie rnps on the ahnle were promising hat eompriitilirviv little sugar would bt oxpiietl to hritaiu large operations having taken place for tbe states usjkuiyliielailureuullttliiuisanu crop y jj jj bvrtbajioc jveiijcem ojjpiniuenuiiaaca-wasoc- cupieu with a project larted jmt the wrtt mftta wfijwub tgapb cpimapy u lay upwii a iiueolsubijiaiiue sijeaijfrji opiiavptpij the vvest ladieii vwitli been- iinsleus for n lpng tttnc to fnake aonje airhgemshi rth the governmeht of cotjii- iryjorlh esioniliunif beir lost phiittils the newcbratimtiivblocks their grwne -y-w- eijglileiliialaacn i bur lopdon cprrpspopdent j us some jntluitforaaradjdirdoenigri tioatooreinenu at home the establishment of the wrrflihgton for the assistance of tywirtr 1 tiiari an other phicedausheeletamu of the- curator will probablybe to secure the mejjns possible and canadacanberacb5t at tes expese than australia or new zealand some our in england lias suggested that possibly the province might be willing to pay llw passage money of emigrants hut were there 110 other there is one fatal 01- r there couttl no security that emigrants brought outwith c money woald not immediat take their way across the bor anil so do do do i i a do srmh do saturday 4ihjul do i bnfnhiy 1st august 1 sainrds 5ui s piemher hatuwayvrdhciiijir all the of the fanners and mecha combinatt4mftaxe h have now arrived4 rsot- do mortdayiiatd ncnreintei da ms itsawirdmvyslhoaheiiiliir 2b division morpabitliiinjakwilfnrpli do do thursduyzlrjjuly ri i do d t iiih may 1 1 rtlitv do tlvnrsuavilth sept sri biecssawri trldsmsfth jaiw do do monjiryrcth j ilr- i 0ddtorjfrfrlmtllv dui do 11 fridav a7h svenir lb division har wick thunslav29i i januity- diii i di thursday lib lay d sutm deprive ihcprpvinpe of tiarlabor forwhich its money had been paid there can be no doubt we think that a very large addition will be made to the population of canada this year without llie use of such doubtful means and i tint the emigration being chiefly of a voluntary character will be more only in ok p 1 so in i of the emigrants but in their deteruiinaliou to tiud boinas in canada to onto guibe tnki mure a blare in louis ille ivy has drawn half prize of 30000 his mnsler deducted his value lor his lreedom and save him the bjlance do welllnstnn imk rfown- shipttrvc avhowrd3amnlaiiuaxch io itf samrday25rh julv do do thursday 2fith nov 5lh div dealtokn monday mh january do do mnndiv 3ih may do wednesday -i3idtv- tirfliiv inn- do middle koad wbxlrijr 85ii march do do w alnexhwiginl j u ly ao j a moutiavssrratveiubrr clh div wallacebiirg tuesday 3lt march do do tuesday aiilisepimher do do saturday 2h nov dojuqungah poffice samrdrir jinnrtv do diisitirrniiy3liih mav do do ttlvav sjh i jifv 7tlidivision clearvlile prlily j7ili mnrelt do do fimiv mifilv do do weiliisdayiiili xiv do kilmarnock wednesday twili il m do do w dues lav 27iltmiy an do filday 35ih sepi ryilrol wijjjh bkjuisiin wiis q judite lllieliiiliivonvill geoitge duok jit clrl of the peace inwi y kent oifire ol ilie ulikol the peaee tiiiliaoi uisdec iflvi tvwj iv titi1 tnilf nn ih of qltqj her wheiiiaad umil mw not onehalf liex whenand until mw not one half thgmt5rrr1at takes fttftoilporlenily ol informtnijjt p orqwdkd ever sine tiesalcs have aver- and surrounding country thai he has laker tavii j vs netlasioiitsilhiplcr pavj rheftatjieid his aitevt hush is the 0u logy vsum of doin i v 1 hosinesi fe reverse dj it ewnm8i consistinu of ft mgchiti fbliycrs themselres have es ed tltislorc uioriler to s3 save mok in riuyins ilioir own necessaries iiistead ol esiablunin into makk moneyhereln- roimsu ibc dilteience between tlihinnj ilieother stoes ltiorlirtomik the farmers meehanies slore sellsuiportiitg the jrn all ajvaiiceot ftflclti pur- cent is rhargd on lsiaiiil ilu wliolcipublicnlaced on an 1ijual lisitin with mjeuibera of the fjuto- binatipnsoihiti tiiekule is 1 one vrice to all j ngjllw pejjple olciiatisabt it smiths old istsbl1shpd q wrrri itvjinwrisfrnnk of seasoned lumbett i rh h with alstweatock of seasoned lumber hksinks a las0rasjobtjjlivr ot novwhujiineitrwliriitpjilitm heasolcnawhisjiinettruljtfj liici attenlioa lobuiioos s relainlheir katvsntige in luiurc fclis skugk acaoiffipw i in dl l ii siui 1 i iv t rolirjrrth irtkxisiv iijd walnu ilnut sofas cs mahogay cane and sp10fttiwfmlqr chahts- y adining- breakfast aiiiirkatie tables t jtpencn cottage wmrtcim wvnpbsm j tpymwmni stands 1 atsoi- tpfcekpfl assortment of 171 m 3 tiie iikst maxijarinko is panada i for salk or to lkt whether members olilkgwnhlnatiooor-not- tliecomhinarion arilintiiried lo tna-ke- th ii sinreas popijlaii aslosslbles so thai astasias i drticienoes are jasccrtained they will lie supplied -tf- the large yanlandcomrortable shed j in ihekir of the slot is jouqd to bea igreal codvjiicnce bvlhe jilslotners national jiniiiliiriiiwii are gratified kere also anen3l1slnnu1wmi find a countryman lu deiil i wlilo will a seiilehisi- an irishman a dutchman 11 fsnadian or a- frenchman all ure here rr resented and qjjijbtfjantisj tiii4flaoaa sb tais dplfajiabo aofho5o iiski v s 7nrtronpishft jiwmtfclfiwrirlijito persoiuttisiang u vuyfbjjnitiilewiili r advanlagejoes beiiiii piirchasiugriilmwlicre chatham december u isi5 ndeltirnlb j o mwm 33 s j a white man sold into rflavenv toe bihlvi isxpr nft i lia t a yiiiugr man named barnhart the son l early etui grants to linden catlnrnuns coyinly from llie ololuiwk dutch selileiiicuts hail been sold as a sluve by n rninpanr of strolling play actors with vvluiii he engaged to travel in december last joung ilaniliart is an excellent playe on ihe violiii and accompan- iellie uctorsih ail and vir in the capa city ul a muaicidii lie was of rather dark compleiion and his conip minos repre senting him to be a negro sold him to some airguiia laverjlealer the evidence w rtftjart hitjy asrhiatitllit w4mhehamrr7xfry i w fuiisbid and siliatd oil st john sirei in the rtiuiiisliiiii yiluh- f dresde jjijiiucjijars applynrwiirilrvilwin of dresden or atlha i othe nt llie fftttiion ii diestlenjuly luih ibjti 13tf v a ciai ill hilut is liow thtilm ijuei to be plueed 10 ciidtieition witii llejisisntlailc hue wliich is abool lo he iaiituw capital lo liy duvra uejiraewul uel jvb the piim had feecu well reoelreiljtiiltlie liiie of assem- iilyimniiilinniriiiiariih sir adopted iesnlu- ippmrin rrlii project itiis lixclloa- ihptiorrr reilylo i ilonattatiou- airuijiisyliiieidi it sukjioaio the measure t njji tsjjoj j nmwx accaaljriv iueeorresjidi corrife mrrfcrlrtieifivtmi the governor il ffmp h f v lie cries of persons uuier tsrtare ha iuiiiir iliead wrtlca mine iei- llie ikiij add a band avoumttuwd t in j u jaudiioitterjhe cat round jte bisk blihe neck keejwflt ibeij ivrjiteee iu its place by livugvlnitt compelled io keep his jaw sruily closed jtabklifabte jlni liad fetched a dbctor to iina4othofatiets whom he had- supposed to l iwrely puuudied for iiis hu anasity nllbouguliie goveraar of the prisna under the litjiiiiciioiia hi lie ctor permit- w oer in queslioa srcriy jieved lo be true and uaruliails father- was jmakinr preparations to seek lor aod fescue his enslaved son s crontb iiand pepaartment lfi57 n i l- wlswtas- ltfdklhok jillsok vri3uluiiol vtir sift- idiueiice of tliej aao last jauu 1 ws wioienily attacked with totiosto isihfrbinj otice is heteby given that all jiersons who have payments us make anaecoiiplpl publicjuidjncaubda wisimustin fuiiux deposit the amounl lo the crctlit 0 the receiver general on aount off- crmcn land depart ment iu the bank of upper canadaut its agen cies theg vernment will not recognize any psy- mruiimin account ol publielanvs in canada west that are rot made iu accordaauce n ih loirgoing iisilee joseph cauchon commissioner crown land department tomimto 21th fco*kcint 1857 notice ishen by given jhauin accordance with tlie nouceof ihe 18th inklainyahper busaminvlskmtrt j ns making deposits in the bank ol upper uo vt nov 25 j canada 01 its agencies on account ol public one voar lands in canada vvestwill receive aceiificaie t -bank-oof- viaich ihey will retain the other iwu ihey must special jsfbtifes cold iud rough with u lam si le and stomach aud irasuiti free lion a c mgn durm that sum- in ju dceinbj jolliwingtnycough inerva- sgj i j a al inairig extent so tjorjduliiigjhal wiiuer i lot ilmut ihiiiy live pounds of flesh tul- iiayhc willi 1u i advised could give in no wlief 1 liiaid l lae henencial eflcls 01 wlislulls balsam if wild cherry by way a jiijui wlm liod rec ih gjeat- uri7irf 1 by iker iisoiii- irtrcle aa i wis tn ciineeiltu make a irlal of it myself i had not lalob miaeh before wis iienplety cured and fiua ihaa lay l ums li- ye nui rxcu troubled wiih s cough i esuelieerlillv r commend it to all asjiolngareiiedyofgieit value fltetlmanlmoyfis none enmne unless signed i butts 00 the wrappet for aie hr jfler cross chatliam u w transuiirio the local cron land agent i joseph caochonv i contmssiunik zljpl llitsitl3iz3 v tjmrit ii crdbltt tovarcs pomtical bjbm- w ftrtnolflfelgivits a painful account 5f ftie loi lures jiraw oil jiudibicaj jsrituaere j iroirjvttwar thinghas aitrwuhuj fr mo wbktriusuou iofnie southern lidlwayi mrs buchanan boiug since the bmtlilofiijjcibiasrinan the r thli spirit in the mr wythes a len- 3ingehjtisii railway man find couiractor or llieloroulii and hamilton road and the tondon aaj port stanley branch of tlie 4rejtt ajern taius onchii if the coniract iftaiataisixaixubu if isi- griivjdxljicu e other hon joseph 0 morrison is the rrfjejithttit pfth compant under tiiese itikltiea ihe- porfd- will undoubtedry bo built immcciateljote 1 1 1 chqvvn lands depailment ijtorqntp i4it ivjarch 18s7 r nnitrnneiithinejioruwo landaiwlllbe x nllic miibllc auction at the conn hiinse in the town nrcbhtlnnironfidayrilie first of may nejd al ihelwurolnuub aian up set price of eight shillings per acre payable ue ijili ilovru nn i ihe remaiadrr hy 4 equal aaiiiial iiistalmeuu wiih iuiereu on each as they become l joseplic mersea v i i auciiun aoclion vikirtmlx j l it asalie of town lots wilhnu pfuce at buxton bhihe rd iwi irrrhe subscitlbira having rccefyefl liis j andijih of may next at eleven bvloclj 00 1 l-l- splllnosiecliipfiafedlooffer0 each day tlie lots aveiage lrnm onehnb to a f trrr ifcarget andi8hs in itoemht iriheahwnir i j trj30ft-tmen- of mit i 4 to ennmeraie iiems wiml i swolh htr va rt tsinrhoikl vihereiritou liquors are not allow- tisttijiioiejtm coninh it no is hen e it jw 0 w hesold andon thelineof the prafo fallmehs very comtet t drygoods boots andmoesrhdls iurtf cyf trunks valises 4ifj oil painted taper window- kliades sctfadjusting rollers wall paer wooden it willow- i ware cordage glmtstolwaf chimpngnes 7 wines ales porlcrsbrandies r a6raa5titpk4yh warranted genuiqe picklf a fauces fureigaihtlic frailkv 1m chist ii v cnascnfiutlairurbe pretentrsssueb ltfw lflialtsale ox btmll in- j chancefitetdom offer ynr gonsisiii g i fart as folluws viztmlrunvalid srifk r sskrojic halfjctl iiiii 1 nuun anvu- i j oneand two years thomas wvsrftlnger wtanu snaii eslshtsvels- scoups- hoes akes hsv rikes scythes honks chads ol a 11 jibdf cultivator teclh palenl pui andgear iiigf tots pans and ji las been sail of old lh is is a worjdi o wonder aadhe observer is daily presnied sdmelhing new nf wouderlul both in nainre and art men olsiuus auj skill are constant ly eniwredso seekpig dm iktl which ni iv lie- vinkvalaable io jlie pabl c aa i a livinj eui- bleoi scic-ascs- j- iruiaill tueewuudera which have boe mghi before ihe world and particularly our medical faculty ihee has been nttkiug as yet surpassd parry davis pain killer which is the nlsraluable laiully metii- cine now in us for many internal and external complaints dial flesh is heir to tu convince you of the fsct 3e u itve iiit fucairal tbedrug store where yen can get a bjille from do denis 8lh conceseion 9 wis v iuk t2h j concession jid till oth lot e 13 i lvw acres u s i2 100 res lots n 12 3s 123 n 12 fi n 120 n 1ilji n i2 22 100 acres cadi lor2022 kwacres each n jparl 23 t acres n 12 21 h acres romney lol l 50 acie lolsn w 12 15 s k 12 17 n w ljjiijltw nc each 22 21 2u0 ae vachr lois n pari ig 5g ac n w i2i8n w 12 10 100 acres each 21 s3 21 2- 27 300 acres each 31 ifio aires lois n part 13 05 acres tl 15 17 ih lit 20200 acies 27jlrt5leics it 4 45 acres 2ti 50 aei es fbrkgiwvien souths brash harrow tecih- nps pump cliaib keiths tinware and tinsmiths tools rrjnieiocs hulls bulls scr hin of al kindsknive forks and spoons ot every description brushs of all jjijds ryiubly mill saws clrchlarsaws crosscm and im saws files t laints oils and c0xoiis with oiher aliclcs quite loo numerous tu men tion he ill also in a lew days have a large duaiitiiy c j i im aghinr ftrlting h widths ailorwkiehjie wilimllialiprrces ihatoely euuipviitiou ajdmriei buxtrfh march lith lc57 duor-to- d r- van aliens- kiog sircct ham c yf caathattjjine iailllflii-j- notice we have seen f let- iterjfrjuiuveral of the missionafies omploy- nd byiths uehodisi episcopal ihurch in frcn wnich wu learn that a furious war is in the vciniiy of chub pnliuus be- twetanttib colonists pd the niitivos thir- y seven atnericiiii houses and much prop- rty1iaye been destroyed and twentyeight jivel been lost all missionary and husi ness matters wore al a stand a delach- henjof men had left monrovia for viille rtrrrnns on ward asohooner with ex- en iibe and vice presldonl yules inmsis wo wiileviwnd that lire slivliitnaota inimdialelyjaj cnpe pulram had oof bwendestroyej anjlltis hoporl u will bw to- resist tho attacks of the rintites wo donot understand yol the irarncdiite w mi fbcdomik mbxico- this country so londislracic d hy faclion and revolution gi ftnnessee oezant tar pain kiiirr asa means of removing pain from thcbodyno medicine has ever acqui red a reputation equal lo perry divrv fain killer the sale of this article has exceeded all belief but it haareaf merits and thai i sul- j d cotmtton rty atlei for sale by psgley it cross challuiai c vv btit st0acres ots 1 1 hnelrs 111 oroteries unit provisions gibs vnrnisltls pnrpentincpiintsqy wo6dsdyie s ifcc lite e fir bear-mi- mind kirul render only fifteen per cent is charged on the cost iranv ariiclefiialltheahove numerous clas ses of- goods uniformly ihreloreil you 1 hanncntoliad somcpariicularaniclcas cheap inilnoc ber store you must not j erlrtnhing issc became alioul fift plr oent is the- customar v advance ifhrlaiinrd 4r the firjtiers mechanics store thai imcuiiomers save all round fnlly 30 per cent ndtiindrveds who have trough goods there wiih willingly certify tothe justice- of the claim j aftentlon is directed- 10 the following kesouiion sne- comliinaiion passed al a mrcuing ol jtsvcinbershed on swurcay the hrsl instant thatll is nnt at till turn convenient fur many of- tin members of ibis combination to nay down iorthcir necessaries and in order lo inn the case of such parlies il is the wish ofa inajoijtyollhis meeting that llie manager do inch accounts villi mcinmrsycquirirlg rhe same aa also with all responsible persons upon michmciiihursur other persons onserittng toj nay per ceni 01 llie nmouniorthviraccount tucufer expense of keeping such accuunl all annyjacksanjofr-mntfiirdcan- ndn wosf liiivi jdary jeniirngs of keves toiinly near rend- ing pennsylvania is dead wishes her brlier-in-lwlavidjami-s- jennings to biiii thecliiltlrcntolirnnlford 0 w jamiil- 23rd- 1857- v3n22lf criatham r n jt j clothing- iil m i ii i 8upplied in every jepabwi8mt iowhhneav iioa 37at23 ill anq gentlemens fumfflthi i ifpft clothing made to ordir important to housekeepers iuffer for sale 35 different recipes or si many which have been soldthe past yea to s iece no housekeeperwill grudge si lor o- afthose recipes alone aocr irvlnritooce address wm biipfickpinth g p- p0 the whole number of recipes will be forwartl- hv mail isjieitsuui ifmiwlih lj hcl b egs riikeiriillylo aequsiiui- hcladiouf and yieruiiv thai she lias rcuiov- challiam- btnjirrryi smakintg ih leies each 21 7th markets ehtkam mrkt priess ul trk cj fnatmim orrim april 25 ik7 wool per ik wheat per busatl oats er bushel barley per bushel lty per bishel putaloes per bushf i csrn per buhel betf per 1001 h pork per 100 lb mutton per 100 lb butler per ik talluwpeloolo chickens per pair hay per ton eggs per dox o 0 3 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 8 0 8 0 1 i 0 9 3 9 8 5 5 40 0 5c 3 100 i johm smitu maritt clerk iii 2011 0 i aei s lois 17 129 acres ih 145 aces 10 45 acres 1 20 5 acres tilbury liast 3rd concestitrn lol 12 2nd nrres 4 1 lils 2 121111 aciesv n w 12 n w 12 ii se 12 mi ui0uerse m ltsnw nw 12 ifs w 12 i nw 12 h lol aeres each i clh lots 2 7 200 acres e 7ih lotsnw 123 se 12 20 100 acres 23200 a rth lots t 2023 200 ac ulh loli 18202123200 acres each 10th lotsse 1212 looac iti 17 1920 200acie eachnw par22t00i llih lots se pi 10 100 acres 12 13 15 17 28 200 acres each 2th lois 9 ii 12 ib 200 ac each 17 185 acres- 13th lots se pt 7 100 acres s 10 12 13200 acres eachnwpt 15 100 uh lolsnwl27 i00ac i 12 200aere each- ljlh lotnwpto looac firf ol january first-ol- april first of jlystabltimiyi lothf ewnd kuely occupied 1 nmi firt ol iviubcr on which davsiobe closed umsi i brookci alnjilgoiuery direcily p- po ihc nirvi bsenstirnrnki where her i mmr mmm n ilwmien tor die fall trade containing all k at children wear dich av silk- swki i- satihs r 1 1 1 mantillas lill paid ii oi p u i always be himgllt and found for sale at the imeii mechanicsstqke f -i- till is h wlin have no t ylr visited ihe t-niii-i- auo mehanies slore are politely tt- 1 11 s iliiit vvlio have know loo well vvdnrr ihir trjiviiiirrest lies- uoi torepeaa and wuilink ihft visits i k1si oilufilsa t1iicatvfst ill lie eslvided 10 all who visit the slore r v the parcels of cllmomers will tie delivered ii ihir hot is or residences if in lown flteeof ci1ai1gb by order oflbe maaager john d mcleod i casatr chatham nov slthlh5fi v3nwly commodious officfis to let over tiie farmers arid sechaiiics store as the arjitcswemdninsfrinre business than any ounf n chatham prbleiwlooal men would lind this a good loenhiun apply at the ofiteofike farmers and mortsanhsistar lor furthvr pariicudars liiivi u plaids sjtilihonii tl itmes diildreiis cklpgvvl h kinds of trimming 1 t m gtonl wariely i r fit a- her vlock is very complete 111 the airluintrl rcfpnlully solicts a callfrofn hercmslfirrefv andilieraihes genernllv a she can assure them tbat she can suppk uieir evcrviwanibcriick beiug die jargestiy ki and uiosl varied of any ever lielore opened for ike inspection of tlw ii iu tins vicmuy novv2srlv5t y3nlcly this is iocenlfy that joslah s gales and thos w stringer who jvttetugagcd iir ihebiumbcssolmeickiiidik in the village of p thus wisiniigerds lu collect all tic municdue and hiy all iliitdeliw oflhe cuaccii hlo mis dale sovemhrr lhh ih54- aatl str1nglr vj r28 3m on the cheap for casji is our motto tutwikju i i- 9tonz-a- v3jifaii 1 he i argest in chatwrn punoiiased ror cash and you omamn sri rsatt 7 i llifl w prudiice only at prices lowair mali ttm dejnaiidtbr- below competitroltf ol those who buy arsell on any xnhtrterart the old stqre joseph s bbat1t istapijk drygootwr gkocefiresljqffqqft paints oi l9 2000 lbs assorted shot- 100 kegs gun powder sole agenltfor burning fluid v jos s beattv chathani dec i2ih law v william stf ill begs 10 announte that he has orknen a blanding h0useatnb37soorh strket mok nints pufuplicfbha wnervha will accoinmojale resnecjble persopsipstlfca nenily or transiently who hiayfivbuv mm wits lilt uujwiw ub ri rf j t ntinn have this day by mutual consent die tiilr patimiage ftifveri pasiriership in said bdsliiessj and the th iliise is cinwoijihtp mmmm liise je slsic w andlh lrailon centrnl and licsjictaiti ft n pains will bsspdireiluisreforetogira iverv salisfaction tiril d iphia oct 23th 1855 97l wmmvjmimk



Provincial Freeman (Toronto and Chatham, ON: Mary Ann Shadd Cary (October 9, 1823 – June 5, 1893)), April 25, 1857, p. 3 (2024)


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Name: Ms. Lucile Johns

Birthday: 1999-11-16

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Introduction: My name is Ms. Lucile Johns, I am a successful, friendly, friendly, homely, adventurous, handsome, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.