Rose Hand Cream Recipe with Honey and Rosewater (2024)


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Make this rich and moisturizing handmade rose hand cream recipe using wild rose petals and raw honey. Includes step-by-step instructions and guidance on lotion ingredients

Rose Hand Cream Recipe with Honey and Rosewater (1)


Making lotion and skincare can seem a little daunting. What is it made of anyway? Each formulation is different but at the heart of all lotion recipes is water, oil, and an ingredient that will bind them together — to emulsify them. This wild rose hand cream recipe is no different, though the water is replaced by rosewater. The final product is a rich cream that you can use to condition and moisturize your hands or body.

gives a brief introduction to the key ingredients. It’s a relatively simple process that involves mixing rose petal-infused water with oils and other ingredients including an emulsifier. It’s a floral-scented moisturizing cream that can be stored in a pot or jar for up to 18 months. Once opened, you should use it within six months.

Rose Water Infusion

Rosewater is a wonderful ingredient to use in your handmade creams since it smells beautiful and is sensitive enough for most skin types. Using it on your skin will help soothe inflammation and even skin tone.

Rose Hand Cream Recipe with Honey and Rosewater (2)

You can purchase true distilled Rose Water in health food stores and some supermarkets as it’s used in cooking. One of my favorite food recipes that uses it is Turkish delight! If you have access to rose petals, you can also make a version of it yourself using this infusion method. If using fresh, I would recommend that you use old-fashioned, apothecary, or wild roses.

Rose Hand Cream Recipe with Honey and Rosewater (3)

Rose Hand Cream Ingredients

You’ll need quite a few other base ingredients to make your own cream which will include your emulsifying agents, oils and butters, humectants (moisture adding/trapping element), thickeners, and a preservative.

Rose Hand Cream Recipe with Honey and Rosewater (4)

If you choose not to use a preservative in your cream please note that your final product must be kept refrigerated and should be used within a week. Any product that contains water is a place where bacteria and fungus can grow and they’ll be present even if you can’t see the contamination.

Lotion Ingredients and What They Do

The preservative I use in this recipe is Geogard Ultra, a broad-spectrum agent used in natural and organic creams. You can use it or another broad-spectrum preservative. The thickener is xanthan gum, a product of sugar fermentation used in the food industry. If you’d like a thinner cream, leave xanthan gum out of this recipe.

Sodium lactate is a natural alpha-hydroxy that is also produced through the fermentation of sugar. It provides a smooth and slick texture and extra moisture, but again, is optional.

Emulsifying wax is the ingredient that will marry all the ingredients used to make the cream. On the molecular level, this brittle and waxy substanceattracts water to itself on one end and oil on the other. If you do not use an appropriate emulsifier, then your cream will eventually separate back into water and oil.

Rose Hand Cream Recipe with Honey and Rosewater (6)

Using Honey in Creams

The humectant I’ve chosen for this recipe is pure honey – from my own bees, of course! If you don’t produce your own, you can easily purchase a pot from a local health food store or beekeeping association.

Humectants work to draw water from the surrounding air, helping to keep your skin naturally moisturized. A little bit goes a long way, though, so be careful not to go overboard with this ingredient – too much and your cream will feel sticky. For even more uses for honey, head over here.

Rich and Protective Oils

The oils chosen for this recipe are protective, moisturizing, and easily absorbed by the skin. Shea butter is rich and creamy, and rice bran will seep in to help keep your hands feeling soft and smooth. The rosehip seed oil that you add in the cooling phase is a delicate oil that nourishes your skin. It’s also used in anti-aging formulas.

Rose Hand Cream Recipe with Honey and Rosewater (7)

More Rose Recipes

  • Rose Petal Facial Mist Recipe
  • Homemade Rose Facial Soap Recipe
  • Make Rose Water Facial Toner
  • Picking and Drying Rose Hips for Tea

Rose Hand Cream Recipe with Honey and Rosewater (8)

Rose Hand Cream Recipe with Honey and Rosewater

Tanya Anderson

Step-by-step instructions for making a rich and moisturizing handmade rose hand cream recipe. Uses rosewater and honey and makes one 100ml pot but can be scaled up for larger batches.

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Author Tanya Anderson

Cost $20



Homemade Rosewater (optional step)

Water Phase

Oil Phase

Cooling Phase


Make the Rosewater

  • True rosewater is the byproduct of rose essential oil distillation. You can either purchase it to use in this recipe or make a simple rose-infusion. The process is over here and usually results in a pink liquid. True rosewater is clear.

Prepare the Oil & Water Phases

  • Sterilize all of your equipment by running it through the dishwasher. Wash your hands thoroughly, and consider wearing disposable gloves while making rose hand cream.

  • Measure the ingredients of the oil phase into one heat-proof glass jar. Stir well to incorporate the xanthan gum.

    Rose Hand Cream Recipe with Honey and Rosewater (9)

  • Measure the water phase ingredients in a second jar. Next, place both the jars in a large saucepan that has a folded kitchen towel or washcloth at the bottom. This is to keep the direct heat of the pan from cracking the glass jars.

    Rose Hand Cream Recipe with Honey and Rosewater (10)

  • Fill the pan with an inch of water. Bring it to a boil then reduce the heat to a simmer. Keep the jars in the hot water until the oil phase is completely melted and the contents of both jars are about 165°F (75°C). Take the jars out, and place them on a kitchen towel on the counter.

  • Next, pour the water phase into the oil-phase jar. You'll see it immediately turn an opaque milky color. Gently stir with a spoon for several minutes, then let it cool for ten minutes. Leave the spoon inside the jar since you'll need to return five minutes later to give it another stir. At this point the cream will be liquidy, so don't panic if it's not thick.

    Rose Hand Cream Recipe with Honey and Rosewater (11)

Cooling Phase

  • Cool the hand cream to 120°F (49°C). As it cools, it will thicken up slightly. Return every twenty minutes or so to gently stir.

  • When the rose hand cream has cooled, stir in the cooling phase ingredients. If the preservative you're using is powdered, mix it with the rose water before stirring it into the cream.

Testing the pH

  • Now we need to test for pH. Stir a half teaspoon of rose hand cream in 1-2 tsp distilled water. Dip one of your pH papers into liquid and then compare the color to the ones on the pack. Lotion and skin creams need to match the pH of your skin, or they can be irritating and affect the effectiveness of preservatives. If the pH is between 4.5-5.5, you're spot on.

    You can make the hand cream more acidic (lower the pH) by adding tiny amounts of lactic acid or citric acid dissolved in a small amount of warm, distilled water. Make it more alkaline (increase the pH) with triethanolamine or by dissolving a small amount of L-Arginine or bicarbonate (baking soda) in water and adding it. Pass it through the sieve and into the lotion. Take the pH reading again and adjust again if needed.

    Rose Hand Cream Recipe with Honey and Rosewater (12)

  • Using a rubber spatula, spoon the rose hand cream into a sterile container and seal. You can begin using it immediately but it will continue thickening up over the next few days.

    Rose Hand Cream Recipe with Honey and Rosewater (13)


* I use 1/2 tsp (1.5 g) Geogard Ultra preservative when making this recipe. You can use another broad-spectrum preservative for skin creams, though. If you do, follow the manufacturer’s instructions. Also, if you make this hand cream without a preservative, it will last up to one week in the refrigerator. After that time, invisible bacteria and fungi will begin colonizing it, and it will probably not be something you want to put on your face. Microbes love a water-based environment.

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Rose Hand Cream Recipe with Honey and Rosewater (14)
Rose Hand Cream Recipe with Honey and Rosewater (2024)


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