The charismatic Charles Wade Ch. 2061-2070 - EthicLearner (2024)

Chapter 2061

On the winding road in Nish*tama County, western suburbs of Tokyo.

Several people in black were looking down at the place where Warnia had fallen from the cliff. From a distance, they saw a fire burning below. One of them whispered: “Now, the person in the car should be dead, right?”

Another person sneered and said, “Falling down so high, and adding a big fire to it, if she is not dead, I will chop off my head and give it to you.”

The man smiled and said, “In this case, you can return to Mr. Hashimoto.”

The people around nodded and said, “Hurry up and clean up the scene first. All the impact debris, glass slag, and tire friction marks on the ground must be removed to ensure that no one sees an accident here after dawn.”


Several people in black immediately began to clean the scene.

The leader took out his cell phone and called Hashimoto, and reported: “Mr. Hashimoto, things have basically been settled. We will withdraw after cleaning the scene.”

Hashimoto asked, “Is the person dead? Have you confirmed the body?”

The man smiled and said, “It’s impossible to confirm the corpse. This cliff is several hundred meters high. Even if the Amaterasu fell from here, he would probably be finished.”

Hashimoto slapped his lips: “I don’t see the corpse with my own eyes, I’m still a little unsure.”

The man said, “Mr. Hashimoto, people have already rolled down the cliff with the car, and I saw from above that the car has burned up. With this fire, Amaterasu must be turned into ashes inside. I can say this with ten thousand hearts.”

Hashimoto couldn’t help complaining: “Why do you always make fun of Amaterasu? Don’t you have any sense of awe in your heart?”

The man curled his lips and smiled on the phone: “Fear a sh*t, I am a man who commits many crimes. If there is a great god, I am afraid that I would have been killed long ago. I can live and continue to commit crimes. There is no god in this world!”

Hashimoto said helplessly: “It’s OK, I won’t tell you, as long as you are sure that the person is dead, I will definitely trust you 100%.”

The man hummed and said, “Okay, the balance will be sent to my house at that time. Remember, I want the old banknotes with or without serial numbers.”

Hashimoto said quickly: “No problem, I’ll deliver it to you early tomorrow morning!”

“Okay, then I’ll hang up first!”


In the valley at this time.

Warnia is still struggling to walk through.

She doesn’t know where she is or where she can get out of the mountain, but she is thinking very simple now, she must go a little farther before climbing up the valley, otherwise, if she climbs up and is hit by the other party, then she is really doomed.

What made her feel very miraculous was that in the past ten minutes, her physical condition was getting better and better.

Not only did she lose all the pain from the injury, but her body didn’t even seem to have been seriously injured.

And now she can feel that there is still very powerful energy in her body, which is constantly being transmitted to her body, making her feel better and better, and she even feels that her body is full of inexhaustible power.

Chapter 2062

She thought to herself: “This strength must be derived from the magical medicine that Master gave me… He gave me that medicine so that I could keep it with me at any time. In case of emergency, I didn’t expect this medicine to really save my life at the critical moment!”

Thinking of Charlie, Warnia felt that her spiritual level was also inspired by unprecedented levels.

She kept encouraging herself in her heart: “Since Master gave me a chance to live, then I must live back to Aurous Hill!”


Aurous Hill.

The ancient capital of the Six Dynasties.

Although it is not as prosperous as Eastcliff and Zhonghai, nor as affluent as the new first-tier cities in the south, it has its own charm and heritage after all.

People who live here love this land and this river.

Just when Warnia vowed to return to Aurous Hill alive, a private jet at Aurous Hill Airport had slowly reached the end of the runway.

This is the private jet of the Song family, which can accommodate more than twenty people and has a separate bedroom.

Honor at this time, lying on the bed in the separate bedroom, holding a glass of red wine, smiling at the corner of his mouth.

Hashimoto just called him and told him: “Mr. Song, the business car that Lingmei was riding in fell to the bottom of the valley from a cliff several hundred meters high in Nish*tama County. The vehicle ignited spontaneously. One-tenth of it was turned into ashes!”

Honor smiled sullenly: “Okay! Great! I’ve waited for this day. I have been waiting for a long time. Today I can get what I want. Thanks to Mr. Hashimoto’s help.”

Hashimoto laughed: “Mr. Song, we will work together in the future, making more money is the most important thing!”

Honor said with a smile: “Mr. Hashimoto, please rest assured that we will work together in the future, and I will not be less of the money that should be given to you.”

Hashimoto said: “Then, when Mr. Song arrives in Japan, we will enjoy the wine and talk!”

Honor sighed and said, “Oh! This time I come to Japan mainly to behave for the old man. Although the old man is old, his mind is very clear. If I behave a little bit wrongly, he will definitely notice that, so I will come to Japan this time to avoid suspicion, it is better not to meet each other.”

Hashimoto asked first: “Mr. Song, when shall we sign the contract?”

Honor said: “When I bring my sister’s body or ashes back to Aurous Hill and finish her funeral, I will choose an opportunity to sign with Mr. Hashimoto!”

Hashimoto smiled wryly and said, “Haha, this is no problem. Mr. Song must be very painful to lose his loved one, so let’s wait for the sake of drinking and talking!”

Honor also smiled and said, “Yeah, my agile and capable sister died so miserably. I really feel pain in my heart, hahahaha!”

Having said that, he said with some regret: “If that old thing didn’t pass on the position of the head of the house to my sister and let her be at ease by my side to assist me, I would not have killed her today.”

Speaking of this, Honor flashed a sullen look in his eyes, and said coldly: “To blame, I blame the old thing for standing her on my way! Anyone who stands in my way must die!”

Hashimoto said first: “Mr. Song, what if the old guy wants to regain his position as the head of the house? Or, when we sign the contract, he doesn’t agree to the cooperation terms we have set, what should we do?”

Honor smiled sullenly and said faintly: “Don’t worry, Mr. Hashimoto, none of this you worry about will happen. I will find an opportunity to let him reunite with his beloved granddaughter. No one can stop me from becoming Patriarch of the Song Family!”

Chapter 2063

The strength of the Ito family in Tokyo is now basically unmatched.

In addition, this was the first time Charlie spoke and asked Nanako for help, so she attached great importance to this and almost sent out the entire Ito family.

Tens of thousands of people searched intensively in Tokyo, and they soon followed the vines and traced Warnia’s trajectory to the mountain crossing in Nish*tama County.

As Warnia’s road up the mountain usually has very little traffic, there is no surveillance video on this road.

After learning that the clue was interrupted at the foot of Nish*tama County, the smart and astute Nanako almost immediately realized that Warnia’s accident must be on the mountain road in Nish*tama County.

Not only is it sparsely populated, but the road is also very high. If someone deliberately harms Warnia, doing it here is indeed a perfect choice.

Therefore, Nanako Ito immediately halted the large-scale search and announced that a heavy prize of 100 million yen would be awarded to the first team to find a clue in Nish*tama County.

After that, she immediately arranged for the ninjas of the Ito family to go to the deep mountains of Nish*tama County and let them sneak among them to find clues.

At the same time, Charlie, who was in Aurous Hill, couldn’t sit still.

At this time, he was pacing back and forth in the living room, thinking to himself: “From Warnia’s voice, she must have encountered an unusual danger, and it is very likely that someone is deliberately harming her, even, It is very likely that she has encountered an accident now…”

“After all, she is just a weak woman. Even facing an adult male alone, she can’t have any chance of winning. What’s more, she is in a foreign country at the moment. Apart from a few assistants, she has no one to rely on. , I’m afraid for such a situation she is more ill-prepared…”

Thinking of this, Charlie felt a throb in his heart.

For Warnia, he naturally has a strong affection in his heart.

This is not because Charlie is half-hearted, but because a girl like Warnia is really too rare, so as long as he is a normal man, after getting along with her, he will have a good impression of her.

She is beautiful, gentle, intellectual, generous, and more importantly, she is sincere to others. Even from the perspective of ordinary friends, she will worry about them when someone is in danger.

What’s more, Charlie was lucky enough to get her heart and first k!ss, so he was even more worried when she was in danger.

It’s a pity that she is in Tokyo, and even if he has the ability to reach the sky, it is impossible to rush to her to rescue her immediately.

Therefore, he can only pray in his heart for Warnia’s good life, and at the same time pray in his heart: “Warnia, I hope you will always listen to me and carry the pill that I gave you close to your body. If you have it. Maybe, it can save your life…”

Half an hour passed.

Nanako called Charlie back, and said: “Master, the people I sent out chased all the way to Nish*tama County in the western suburbs of Tokyo. The car that Miss Song was riding on went up the mountain there. The surveillance video is no longer visible. , So I suspect that Miss Song should have something wrong in the mountains. I have now sent the best ninjas to search the mountains. If there is any news, I will notify you as soon as possible!”

Charlie was even more worried when he heard Nanako said that.

In the voice just now, there was a sound of impact and friction. He thought it was just a car accident, but as soon as he heard that it was in the mountains, he immediately felt that Warnia’s chances of surviving were a little bit smaller!

Chapter 2064

No matter which country you are in, mountain roads are much more dangerous than ordinary roads.

In a car accident on a mountain road, the most feared thing is falling off a cliff. Once you roll and fall from a 100-meter-high cliff, the chance of surviving is very small.

In the rally race, the car running on the mountain must be equipped with a very strong roll cage. Only in this way can it be ensured that the cab will not be deformed when the car rolls or falls at high speed, thereby protecting the safety of the driver.

However, ordinary civilian cars, even a Rolls-Royce of 10 million, do not have such a thing as a roll cage, so once they fall from a cliff, the Rolls-Royce will fall into a pile of scrap iron!

Thinking of this, Charlie hurriedly said to Nanako: “Nanako, I beg you for one thing. You must let your ninja find Warnia’s whereabouts as soon as possible. As long as she still has a trace of breath, she will also be brought out of the mountain. Take her to the hospital, wait for me to come!”

Nanako hurriedly asked, “Master, are you coming to Japan?”

“Yes!” Charlie said decisively: “I will pass now!”

Nanako jumped for joy!

“Master is coming to Japan! Then I can see Master again!”

But after a while, Nanako felt jealous again in her heart: “Master is coming to Japan for that Miss Song, not for me… Why is he so nervous about that Miss Song? Is she his confidante?”

Although Nanako’s heart is a little sour, she has a very strong view of the overall situation. She quickly put all these thoughts behind her mind and blurted out: “Master, I will arrange for a helicopter to wait for you at Tokyo Narita Airport now!”

“If I find Miss Song’s whereabouts while Master coming to Japan, then I will send her to the best hospital immediately, and after you land, I will take you to the hospital by helicopter to see her.”

“If you arrives in Japan, and I haven’t found Miss Song’s whereabouts, then I will let the helicopter take you to Nishidamo County, and I will accompany you to search!”

Seeing Nanako arranged things so thoughtfully, Charlie said gratefully: “OK, Nanako! Thank you so much!”

Nanako hurriedly said: “Master and Nanako don’t have to be so polite. My life was saved by you. What a trivial matter this is.”

Charlie felt a little more relieved, and said: “Nanako, first arrange a helicopter to wait for me at Narita Airport, and I will fly straight over there!”

“Okay Master!”

Charlie hung up the phone, and he immediately called Issac. Upon the call, Charlie immediately ordered: “Mr. Craven, arrange the plane to prepare for take-off, and then send a helicopter to pick me up. I have to go to Tokyo as soon as possible!”

Issac was shocked and said: “Master, it’s so late, why are you going to Tokyo suddenly?”

Charlie blurted out: “Warnia had an accident in Tokyo, life or death is uncertain, I must rush over as soon as possible!”

“Miss Song’s accident?!” When Issac heard this, he knew that Charlie must be very anxious at the moment, so he immediately said, “Master, I will make arrangements immediately. It is 11 o’clock in the evening. When I get to you, I will pick you up and fly to the airport for almost 20 minutes. Counting up and down time, I will arrive at the airport at about 11:40!”

“I let the plane wait for you at the end of the runway. You get off the helicopter and board the plane immediately and take off immediately. At the same time, you fly to Tokyo at maximum speed. It is expected to arrive at 2 o’clock in the morning at Eastcliff time, which is 3 o’clock in the morning Tokyo time!

Chapter 2065

Deep in the mountains of Nish*tama County.

Warnia was still carefully walking through the valley slowly.

Although it is winter, the valley is dense with evergreen plants such as pines and cypresses.

Moreover, in this gloomy, cold valley, there is no trace of human visits at all, so there is not even a small intestine path.

So walking in such a place is extremely difficult.

Not to mention female streamers like Warnia, even experts who are good at expedition crossing can hardly increase their speed.

Fortunately, it’s the cold winter season. Warnia’s clothes are thicker, her upper body is a thick cashmere windbreaker, her body is a black mid-skirt with black corset leggings, and a pair of black leather boots, so she won’t be exposed to dense pine needles and dryness. The branches and leaves are hurt.

At this moment she has adapted to the darkness at the bottom of the valley. She could have used a mobile phone with a broken screen to illuminate the surrounding environment, and walking like that would save some effort.

However, she was afraid that the people who wanted to murder her would not give up, and they might still be searching for her whereabouts, so she did not dare to turn the mobile flash on.

Occasionally, she wants to see if the phone has a signal. She also hides the phone in a windbreaker and completely wraps her head and mobile phone in the windbreaker for fear of leaking light.

After groping for two or three hours in the valley, Warnia was still very physically strong, but her hands and face were repeatedly scratched by the branches and leaves of the trees. It was already covered with tiny red marks, and some even had bloodshot eyes.

But at this time Warnia could not care about the pain at all. Her only thought was to grit her teeth and walk out of the mountain to live.


At this time, Honor’s special plane landed at Tokyo Airport first.

As soon as he landed, he went straight to the TMPD without hesitation.

He had already thought about it, this time coming to Tokyo is nothing more than to behave for the old man.

When he finds Warnia’s body, he first will express some grief, and then hand the matter to the TMPD for investigation, and he could bring Warnia’s body or ashes back to Aurous Hill for a funeral.

On the way to the TMPD, Honor received a call from the United States.

He pressed the answer button and heard the voice of his father Tianming Song from the other end of the phone.

“Hey, honor, is it convenient for you to speak now?”

Honor gave a hum, and said lightly: “My confidants are all around me, dad, don’t worry.”

Tianming asked, “Are you in Tokyo?”

“Yes Dad, I’m here.”

Chapter 2066

Tianming asked again: “How is Hashimoto doing things? Is it pretty?”

Honor sneered and said, “It should be pretty. According to him, the car rolled down from a cliff of several hundred meters and burned into a pile of scrap iron. It is estimated that the people inside are all burnt to co*ke.”

Tianming said with satisfaction: “That’s good, that’s good!”

After that, he asked again: “By the way, before you came, did your grandfather doubt anything?”

Honor said: “He shouldn’t, but I’m not sure if he will doubt it in the future.”

Tianming sneered and said, “It’s okay, he has nothing to do later.”

Honor was overjoyed and hurriedly asked: “Dad, are you going to do something with Grandpa?”

Tianming said, “No, it can’t be so fast.”

Honor said with a worried expression: “Dad, don’t forget that when the old guy passed the position of Patriarch to Warnia, he said in public that as long as Warnia has no descendants, he must be the Patriarch of the Song family. Let Charlie inherit, and if we don’t quickly get rid of the old guy, don’t we mean making Charlie wedding dresses?!”

Tianming said: “If we start with the old guy now, then all of this will be too obvious. Warnia dies in a foreign land before, and the old man dies in Aurous Hill later. Even if we don’t leave any evidence, the outside world will think this is something. We did it!”

Honor asked nervously: “Then what?! Can’t you really wait for the old thing to invite Charlie into the Song family? In that case, we are all over! We are definitely not Charlie’s opponent!”

Tianming said: “Don’t worry about this. I have asked people to engage in a batch of neurological drugs used by U.S. agents. In the early stage after taking the drugs, they will be extremely obedient. Then the old guys will do what we say. At that time, we will directly let the old guy announce the abolition of the previous verbal agreement, and then announce that I will take over as the head of the family.”

Honor asked: “You just said that the drug can make the other party obey in the early stage. What about the middle and late stages? Will the drug fail?”

“No.” Tianming sneered: “After taking this medicine for a period of time, it can irreversibly destroy a person’s brain. Not only can it not be cured forever, but it can’t be found at all. The apparent symptoms are no different from Alzheimer’s. At that time, we can say that the old guy was irritated by Warnia’s death, so he has dementia.

Anyway, I would have become the head of the family and let him become dementia, which is good for us.

Honor smiled excitedly: “Dad! Your trick is really wonderful! Then we will raise the old thing as a mascot, and just arrange a few people to take care of him eating and drinking!”

“Yeah!” Tianming smiled sullenly, and said: “The old man called me just now, and asked me to come back as soon as possible. The medicines have been brought in through special channels. When Warnia’s funeral is over, I will find opportunities to feed him!”

Honor remembered something, and said, “Dad, the old guy still has a rejuvenating pill! Warnia got it from Charlie on her birthday and gave it to him. In case he takes that rejuvenating pill, everything will return to normal. What should we do? We may be in big trouble then!”

Tianming said coldly: “Honor, don’t be afraid! This matter, there is no turning back when you open the bow! For the Song family’s 200 billion assets, we must walk to the dark one by one, and the gods block and kill the gods and the Buddhas block to kill Buddhas!”

After all, Tianming said again: “In addition, if the Rejuvenation Pill can really reverse his brain damage, I will find a chance to give him some medicine, as long as we don’t reveal that we killed Warnia, don’t reveal that we gave him Once the old guy takes the medicine, no one will doubt us.”

After a pause, Tianming sneered and said, “Besides, what if they suspect it? Warnia is not killed directly by us. Who can convict us? All things must be evidence!”

Honor said: “You are right, as long as there is no evidence that we are behind the scenes, no one can help!”

Tianming coldly snorted: “The blame for this matter is that the old man is too partial! If the family is born and handed over to a female generation, he really treats me as a dish! This time, we will take the whole Take it back from the Song family! I am the son of the Song family and you are the grandson of the Song family. The Song family should have been ours!”

Chapter 2067

When Charlie left home, Claire was still soaking in the hot springs.

She didn’t know that her husband left from the hot spring in a bathrobe and said to get a drink. He had already taken a helicopter to the airport and then flew to Japan.

She waited and couldn’t wait for Charlie anymore. After coming out of the hot spring, she didn’t see his shadow in the living room, and she couldn’t help but wonder.

She picked up the phone and called Charlie, but it turned out that the phone was turned off.

This made her even more puzzled. When she returned to the bedroom, she didn’t find Charlie’s shadow, only a note that he left for her on the bedside table.

There was a line written on the note: “My wife, a friend is in danger, I will rush to save.”

After Claire finished reading it, she was shocked: “Save people?! Could it be that something terrible has happened?!”

Thinking of this, she hurriedly sent a voice to Charlie: “Husband, where did you go? What happened? Anyway, you must pay attention to safety!”


Tokyo, Japan.

The ninja of the Ito family took a helicopter and rushed to the mountainous area of ​​Nish*tama County in the shortest time.

Afterwards, the helicopter landed a few kilometers away from the foot of the mountain, and ten ninjas dressed in black filed out and rushed towards the mountain.

The reason why the helicopter was not allowed to fly directly in was because Nanako was afraid of throwing grass.

She is similar to Charlie’s opinion. Warnia is likely to be murdered. So if you let them go in a helicopter to search with great fanfare, if Warnia is not dead, her people will disturb the other party again, which will cause more trouble.

However, the mountains in Nish*tama County stretch for hundreds of kilometers, and the winding road alone is tens of kilometers long, so they can only hide in the dark and walk along the winding road to search for clues.

Fortunately, there were more ninjas dispatched by the Ito family this time, and ten ninjas came out, starting from the entrance to the mountain to inspect all the clues.

While they were searching, Nanako also took a helicopter from home to Narita Airport.

Two o’clock in the morning Tokyo time.

Since Honor went to the TMPD to report to the police, a large number of police officers have been ordered to set off to search for Warnia’s whereabouts.

To the director of the TMPD, the news of Warnia’s disappearance in Tokyo was like a nightmare.

A few days ago, an unprecedented war broke out in the city. Various assassinations emerged one after another. Many wealthy and powerful people died in a series of violent incidents, and even shocked the whole world.

Not only has the world laughed at Tokyo’s public security issues, but it has also made the TMPD lose face in front of the world.

Finally, it was restored as before, and public order was approaching peace, but who would have thought that another well-known foreign entrepreneur lost contact in Tokyo!

The Song Group has a total market value of nearly 200 billion RMB. As the chairman of the Song Group, Warnia Song is a proper business elite no matter where she goes to any country.

But it was this business elite who lost contact in Tokyo, and according to reports from her family, it was probably an accident!

The director of the TMPD felt like a man on his back. If Warnia really died in Tokyo, then Tokyo would not ask for it anymore!

So he immediately rushed to the TMPD to supervise the battle and sent thousands of police officers to search for Warnia’s whereabouts.

As the members of the Ito family, the TMPD also used surveillance video to trace all clues before Warnia’s disappearance.

Moreover, the TMPD could directly access all the surveillance cameras in Tokyo, so they quickly found relevant clues and locked Warnia’s accident to Nish*tama County.

Chapter 2068

The police officers of the TMPD don’t care about anything.

They directly sent hundreds of police officers to drive to Nish*tama County, intending to block all the roads into and out of the mountains. At the same time, the TMPD also sent six police helicopters to the mountains of Nish*tama County in order to find Warnia’s whereabouts as soon as possible.

Nanako quickly got the news, so she immediately ordered the ninjas she sent out to keep low-key and try not to have any direct contact with the TMPD.

Tokyo time, half-past two in the morning.

The ninja of the Ito family, after passing through several mountains, smelled of burnt near the incident that had been cleaned up by the murderer.

Then, with this smell, they found the valley all the way down.

Along the way, they found the body of Warnia’s assistant Swallow who was thrown out of the car. It was broken and horrible.

They immediately passed the news to Nanako. Nanako was shocked and immediately ordered them: “Check if the face is recognizable, and then search the Internet for Warnia’s photos to see if it is the same person!”

After the ninja identified the body, he said to Nanako: “Miss, this corpse shouldn’t belong to Miss Song. Let’s continue searching!”

Nanako breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly said, “Go down and take a look!”

The ninja said: “Miss, I have something to tell you.”

Nanako hurriedly said, “Okay, you say.”

The leading ninja said: “This cliff, at least a few hundred meters in height, we have only just reached halfway down. From the body of the female corpse just now, it can be seen that when the vehicle rolled and fell, it received a huge impact and the huge inertia generated by the roll. , So the people inside will probably not survive.”

“Moreover, the more we go down, the more we can smell the scorching smell of burn, which proves that the vehicle spontaneously ignited after falling to the bottom of the valley, so the possibility of surviving is even smaller. Even the top ninja, in this case, I am afraid. It’s hard to get out…”

Nanako felt tight and hurriedly said, “I see, you go down to see the situation first, and report to me in time!”

The headed ninja said: “Miss, our mobile phone signal is very unstable now. If we go further down, we may not find any signal. We may temporarily lose contact for a while. Don’t worry. Once we find a clue, We will climb up immediately and report back to you!”

Nanako said immediately: “Okay! Go and see what’s going on. If you find Miss Song’s body, tell me immediately, if you can’t find the body, then Miss Song is likely to be alive and around. Search hard!”

“OK, lady, going down now!”

Immediately, ten ninjas jumped down quickly like parkour masters.

This group of people still have excellent eyesight in the middle of the night, and they are very quick to reach out. On the steep cliffs and slopes, they can still find their footing safely, quickly and accurately, and they will soon reach the bottom of the valley inch by inch.

At the bottom of the valley at this time, Warnia’s commercial vehicle had already burned out.

A winter’s snow accumulated in the valley ensured that the fuel leaked from commercial vehicles did not cause a mountain fire, but even so, the snow that burned while burning still gathered into a creek below.

There were two charred corpses in the commercial vehicle that had been burned into a pile of scrap iron.

The corpse had almost turned into carbon dust, and black carbon chips would fall as soon as the wind blows. If you touch it with your hands, it is likely to turn into a mass of black dust.

Through the outline, it can be determined that there are two bodies in the car, and they are a man and a woman.

However, the female corpse was completely unidentifiable.

One of the ninjas sighed: “Boss, people are already burnt like this, and the god Amaterasu can’t save him. Let’s go up and find a signal to send the information.”

The headed ninja was about to nod his head, and suddenly saw a trace of an anomaly on the ground through the weak light.

He immediately lay on the ground and smelled it, then touched the ground with his hand, feeling the different degrees of hardness in different places on the ground, and exclaimed: “This is a string of fresh footprints! Someone is still alive!”

Chapter 2069

Tokyo time, 2:50 in the morning.

Charlie’s private plane landed at Narita Airport.

He didn’t take anyone along this time, and rushed to Tokyo alone.

This way, because there is only a wireless network on the plane, there is no communication network, so he has been connected to the wireless network on the plane.

He always stared at Warnia’s profile picture in WeChat, looking forward to her message.

However, she never gave him any feedback.

After flying for more than two hours, Charlie was very anxious, and he became more and more uncomfortable.

He would always involuntarily imagine the worst result: If Warnia really died, what should he do?

This time he came, although he brought the Rejuvenation Pill, but although the Rejuvenation Pill is magical, it does not have the effect of bringing back the dead to life in the true sense.

If people are really gone, eating more rejuvenating pills will not help!

In the Nine Profound Heavenly Scriptures, although there are records about higher-level pill, the information is too vague, Charlie can’t understand it at all, and doesn’t have the ability to realize it.

Therefore, he can only pray in his heart, praying that Warnia is still alive.

Or, even if she only has the last breath, she can be saved by him!

After getting off the plane, Charlie passed through customs at the fastest speed.

Later, he saw that Nanako was already waiting at the customs exit.

Seeing him, her heart was full of joy, and she ran towards him in threes or twos, her eyes full of excitement and admiration and said: “Master, you are here…”

Charlie nodded, and asked her, “Nanako, have your people found out?”

Nanako hurriedly said: “The ninja I sent out just gave me feedback. They said that they had found the vehicle in which Miss Song was traveling. Three bodies were found at the scene, two women and one man…”


Charlie felt a little bit in his heart and blurted out: “Has the identity of the corpse been confirmed?”

Nanako quickly explained: “The male body is Miss Song’s driver. The other two female bodies, one of which has been confirmed to be not Miss Song herself, and one female body. The co-pilot in the car has been burned beyond recognition and cannot be identified. , But because this female corpse was sitting in the co-pilot, I guess she might not be Miss Song herself.”

Charlie hurriedly asked again: “Then there is no one else at the scene? If there is no one else at the scene, where did Warnia go? Could this be the same corpse that was burned?”

Nanako said again: “That’s Master. My ninja told me that fresh footprints were found at the scene. Someone should have escaped before the vehicle spontaneously combusts.”

Speaking, Nanako sighed: “The ninja told me that this incident was very unbelievable, because the scene was too tragic. The commercial vehicle fell from a cliff several hundred meters high and spontaneously ignited. In this case, even a ninja can hardly survive, but that person has survived and has the ability to act. It is a miracle among miracles!”

Charlie breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this!

It seems that the person who survived and escaped should be Warnia herself.

Chapter 2070

Warnia must have relied on the pill that he gave her, so she was able to save her life under such treacherous conditions.

So Charlie hurriedly asked again: “Nanako, have your people found Warnia’s whereabouts?”

Nanako shook her head and said, “Now they are tracking the traces left by Miss Song, but they have not found where she is, but I believe that if she is alive, they will be able to find her.”

After speaking, Nanako said again: “Oh yes Master, a large number of police officers have been sent to Nish*tama County to search through the TMPD. I believe they are also looking for Miss Song’s whereabouts, and they have many police officers. Helicopters are more suitable for fast and large-scale search and rescue. I believe that Miss Song’s whereabouts will be found soon.”

Charlie shook his head solemnly and said, “The reason why Warnia suffered from accidents, in my opinion, must be someone assaulting her. If the TMPD finds her whereabouts, it must be impossible to hide this matter from behind. I’m afraid the other party will come back then.”

After that, Charlie hurriedly asked her: “Nanako, is the helicopter ready?”

Nanako nodded and said, “It’s on the helipad, ready to go!”

“Okay, hurry to the place where the incident happened as soon as possible!”


The helicopter soon roared from Narita Airport, traversed half of Tokyo city, and headed straight for Nish*tama County.

At this time, Nish*tama County, which had always been peaceful, suddenly became bustling.

Thousands of police officers and special operations team members from the TMPD swarmed in, and several police helicopters circulated the mountains with high-power searchlights.

Secretly, the ninja of the Ito family was in the valley, following the traces left by Warnia.

After all, Warnia is not a practitioner, let alone a master, so she can’t hide her movement at all.

The ninja is very clever. While chasing the traces left by Warnia, he did not forget to order people to eliminate the traces left by Warnia little by little.

In this way, no one can find the clue left by her.

Even if someone from the TMPD found the completely damaged business car, they could not find her dead or alive.

In this way, it is possible to ensure that Warnia will not be discovered by others.

The TMPD was crowded with people, and there were police helicopters searching high in the sky, so it didn’t take long for them to find the commercial vehicle.

Afterwards, several police helicopters drove towards the valley where the accident occurred, and twenty or thirty special forces with live ammunition came down from the helicopters.

When these special forces came, they immediately protected the scene tightly.

They checked the scene for the first time and confirmed that there were two deceased persons in the car. Then they traced the location of the commercial vehicle upwards and found the body of Warnia’s assistant Swallow halfway up the mountain.

So their person in charge immediately reported to the headquarters via radio: “We have found the scene of the incident. The vehicle matches the one on the video surveillance. Three bodies were found on the scene. One of them is identified as Swallow a woman next to Warnia. The other two bodies have been completely carbonized and can only be identified as a man and a woman, but the identity of the woman cannot be confirmed at all.”

The commander-in-chief at the scene hurriedly asked on the radio: “Are there any other clues found at the scene? You have only found three bodies now, but we found from surveillance video that when the commercial vehicle left the hotel, there were a total of four people, one of them is a driver, one of the other three is Warnia, and the other two are her assistants. It is impossible to have only three bodies!”

The person in charge of the special forces said: “It is true that only three bodies are at the scene, and judging from the tragic degree of the accident, there is no survivor, and no signs of surviving are found at the scene.”

The commander-in-chief said in a puzzled voice: “This is not right! Four people got in the car, and only three are left after the accident. Where did the other one go?”

The charismatic Charles Wade Ch. 2061-2070 - EthicLearner (2024)


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Author: Nathanial Hackett

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Author information

Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

Phone: +9752624861224

Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.